The Community Wellbeing Fund is aimed at helping people living within the National Park to start projects which will benefit both their communities and local environment. Any projects which will improve the local environment or community and meet the aims and objectives of the National Park Authority will be eligible for funding. Projects which seek to integrate the social, economic and environmental criteria of the National Park Authority in ways that can be shown to be sustainable will be particularly supported.

Funding conditions

  • Projects must be located within Eryri National Park
  • Where possible, projects should seek to use local materials and products
  • Where necessary, projects must have the relevant planning permission
  • Commitment must be shown to the long term viability of the scheme through management and maintenance
  • Special consideration will be given to applications which demonstrate health and wellbeing objectives and outcomes

Who can apply?

Applications may be made from community councils, voluntary groups, youth groups, women’s groups (WIs, Merched y Wawr) and schools. Individuals, businesses and statutory bodies are not eligible to apply.

The grant awarded will usually be between £100 and £500 and will not be more that 50% of the total cost of the project. The project’s 50% share may include volunteer labour, which for the purpose of the grant application can be estimated at £8.22 per hour.

Guidance Fund: Community Wellbeing Fund (PDF, 118 KB) 
Application Form: Community Wellbeing Fund (Microsoft Word, 53 KB) 

For further advice and information contact:

The form is easy to complete – for a chat and for more information contact:

Etta Trumper
Volunteer and Wellbeing Officer, Eryri National Park Authority

Eryri National Park Authority
National Park Office
LL48 6LF

Phone: 01766 772215