Matters relating to planning, development and cultural heritage fall under the remit of Planning and Land Management.

The Planning and Development department deals with planning permission issues within the National Park, while the Cultural Heritage department protects and enhances Eryri’s cultural heritage.


Departmental responsibilities
  • Receiving and dealing with planning and development applications and inquiries within the National Park
  • Producing and developing a Local Development Plan that reflects the challenges facing the National Park, such as climate change
  • Developing planning policies that protect and enhance Eryri’s special qualities
  • Protecting and celebrating the National Park’s history and cultural heritage
The department's work

The Planning and Cultural Heritage department is responsible for all planning and development matters within the National Park as well as for protecting Eryri’s cultural heritage.

Yr Ysgwrn
Purchasing Yr Ysgwrn, securing the future of the farmhouse as a symbol of national history for generations to come.
Re-roofing Y Sosban
Work on re-roofing the listed building, Y Sosban, in Dolgellau earned a national award for its traditional methods of using Welsh Slate.
Carneddau Landscape Partnership
The Carneddau Landscape Partnership is a project aimed at protecting the fragile heritage of Eryri's largest upland area, the Carneddau.
Ysgol Craig y Deryn
Development work on Ysgol Craig y Deryn in Llanegryn reached the list of finalists for the Wales Planning Award in 2014.

Jane Jones, Acting Planning Manager

Jane initially trained to become a Chartered Surveyor obtaining a HND in Land Administration and then graduating in 1996 with a BSc (Hons) in Land Management.

In 2005, Jane moved to Wales and continued to focus on planning enforcement, working in planning enforcement at Powys County Council and Flintshire County Council before taking up a position at Eryri National Park Authority in September 2007. Jane is currently Acting Planning Manager at the Park.

Naomi Jones, Head of Cultural Heritage

Naomi became Head of Cultural Heritage in 2018. She joined the National Park Authority in 2007 as interim Interpretation Officer before becoming Cultural Heritage Project Officer, Yr Ysgwrn Project Manager, then Head of Education and Communication.