Freedom of Information Act 2000

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives you the right to get information from us in two ways:

  • Through the Publication Scheme and the Guide to Information, which are documents that show the type of information the Authority publishes along with the format of that information.
  • Submitting a specific request for information.

How to Submit an Application

Requests for information have to be made in writing. You should note your name and contact details along with what information you would like to see.

Format of the Information

We will try and prepare the information in the format that you have requested, if it is reasonable to do so.


You have the right to request to see any information which is being held by the Authority. However, we could refuse to release information if one of the exemptions within the Act applies. There are absolute exemptions and qualified exemptions. Prior to using a qualified exemption, we have to consider whether releasing the information is in the public interest.


As a rule, we have 20 working days to respond to your request, but we may extend this if we need to consider exemptions which are subject to applying the public interest test.


We have the right to charge you a fee, but we have to inform you in advance if we intend to do this.

Complaints Procedure

If you are not satisfied with the response received, we have a formal complaints procedure for you to follow. Further information can be found on the Make a Complaint page.

Make a Complaint

Contacting Us

Please direct you request for information to the:

Head of Administration and Customer Care
Eryri National Park Authority
National Park Office
Gwynedd. LL48 6LF


The Information Commissioner’s Model Publication Scheme

Since the 1st of January 2009, every public authority must adopt the Information Commissioner’s model publication scheme as well as preparing a Guide to Information to accompany it.

Model Publication Scheme (PDF)