Eryri Communities, Resilient Communities
Inspire, Support, Venture

About the fund

Cronfa Cymunedau Eryri Communities Fund is a fund for the benefit of communities within and around Eryri that will respond to assist communities to maintain and improve residents’ quality of life and build resilient communities.

The fund was established through an agreement between Eryri’s National Park Authority and the Welsh Government. The National Park Authority administer the fund.

The fund is specifically for capital projects only, with a total of £75,000 available in the 2024/25 financial year. The capital fund will be available to local communities and groups / voluntary organisations for socio-economic resilience projects between £5000–£20,000.

Applications should prioritise the following themes:

  • green infrastructure
  • improved recreational access for health and well-being
  • energy generation
  • local environmental improvements such as litter and waste management
  • community development
  • decarbonisation


The application deadline for the 2024/2025 was May 13, 2024.

Community Cohesion

One of the defining qualities of Eryri National Park is the strong sense of community cohesion, and vitality which combine to give a strong sense of place.

Our communities have been formed and shaped by their resilient and beautiful environment. Our hope is to strengthen the identity of our communities, and the Eryri Communities Fund intends to contribute towards this by supporting projects that will benefit the communities of Eryri.

Related key outcomes from the Cynllun Eryri:

  • that the language, culture and heritage of Eryri are celebrated, supported and strengthened
  • local communities are supported to thrive in all aspects of well-being

More information about the outcomes of Cynllun Eryri

Past successful projects

New signs were designed and produced to be installed at Tŷ Hyll with the aim of engaging local residents and visitors with Tŷ Hyll—the local history, heritage, landscape and the language in this unique part of Eryri.

The aim of this project was to introduce bilingual key messages for visitors abouting respecting and caring for the habitats and the landscapes across the National Park. The signs are an important part of Snowdonia Society / Cymdeithas Eryri’s response to the Covid pandemic and the pressure of increasing visitor numbers on the National Park. As part of the partnership project Caru Eryri, the need was identified to increase an awareness and respect among visitors towards the area, its communities and its special qualities. The signage will contribute toward this work of raising awareness in a popular and famous location within the Park.

Y Ganolfan, Abergynolwyn is a charity run by volunteers. It is a hub for the Abergynolwyn community and groups meet there every week, – e.g. the brass band and choir rehearse in the hall and quiz nights, skittles and concerts are held here.

Abergynolwyn has a high percentage of elderly residents and therefore the main aim of this project was to enable access to Abergynolwyn village hall for those with limited mobility. The automatic opening buttons on the doors had broken a few years ago, and they weren’t good enough to pass modern standards.

As well as being a cafe and a hub for the community, there is a large exhibition of historical photographs of Abergynolwyn and the surrounding area and the slate quarry, and Y Ganolfan is a popular destination among visitors to the area.

With a grant from the Eryri Community Fund Team the doors have now been repaired and are fully operational. Updating and modernizing the entrance to the hall has been a small project which has had a big impact on making the village hall accessible to all.

The main purpose of the project was to respond to Covid 19 and to fundamentally rethink the method of holding social meetings, and to do so by making the most of technology in order to deliver the changes.

There was a need to completely re-design the facilities at the Village Hall, so that meetings and events could be held here multi-media style, and the residents of the area have the choice of attending the event in the hall or joining in on a screen from home. The need to have high quality facilities (sound and lighting equipment etc.) was also identified to enable drama companies and bands to hold live performances.

The project has realized its objectives of buying and installing sound and light systems, a loop system for the hard of hearing, and large television screens for holding virtual meetings. The equipment has been installed and is now being used. The benefits can already be seen with Eisteddfods being held in the hall and the Community Council’s hybrid meetings have also commenced.

The project and the new facilities benefit:

  • Isolated people who have lost the confidence to socialize during the Covid‐19 period.
  • Older or vulnerable people who benefit by joining ‘hybrid’ meetings.
  • Organizations will be able to keep in touch with their members during difficult times, and possibly expand their appeal to a wider audience.
  • Performers – drama companies, bands and choirs etc will be able to take advantage of the new technology.

The main purpose of the grant was to receive a contribution towards the purchase of the old Spar building on Bethesda High Street to refurbish it as a retail centre, restaurant and heritage centre.

As part of the wider project, there is an electric shuttle bus scheme that picks up tourists from Canolfan Yr Hen Bost and shuttles them to Llyn Ogwen and back. This is part of the vision of creating sustainable tourism in Dyffryn Ogwen as the Beics Ogwen electric bike hire service from the centre providing active and sustainable travel options to tourists and local people.

The project is hugely beneficial for Dyffryn Ogwen on several levels:

  • The new centre will improve Bethesda’s tourist offering and the offering for local people
  • The new centre will offer workshop/studio units for local artists as well as providing a versatile space to hold training workshops. The new centre will therefore contribute towards strengthening the local economy in Dyffryn Ogwen.
  • The new centre will also reinforce the language and culture with a focus on developing a local heritage centre


Bro Machno Community Council were successful in securing a grant through the Eryri Communities Fund to improve community infrastructure. With a focus on accessibility and technological convenience the grant has facilitated the transformation of public toilets and promoted connectivity in the area.

The grant allocation has also extended to improve digital connectivity within the community. Recognising the importance of staying connected in today’s digital age, the council has taken proactive steps to address connectivity challenges. By installing free community Wi-Fi, residents and visitors can now enjoy access to the internet, facilitating communication, access to information and connectivity-driven activities.

A key aspect of the project was to upgrade the village’s public toilet facilities to ensure inclusion for all members of the community. The installation of RADAR access points gives the provision for individuals with disabilities as well as promoting accessibility. The integration of contactless payments methods including card payments and Apple Pay also simplifies the process and offers convenience to residents and visitors.

The Eryri Communities Fund has recently provided essential finance assistance towards erecting solar panels on Bala Golf Club’s roof. Not only does this significant development emphasise the club’s commitment towards sustainability but also brings additional benefits to the local rural area.

In a rural area like Bala a club like this serves as a community hub which provides social and leisure opportunities. This project will ensure that the club can continue to operate and provide opportunities for people to come together and enjoy outdoor activities.

Installing solar panels on the club’s roof will have a significant impact on the club’s energy usage and associated costs. Through harnessing the sun’s energy the club will reduce their dependence on traditional energy sources significantly which will lead to a reduction in their energy bills. The savings can then be re-invested in the club’s facilities to improve players and members’ experiences.