Cadw is inviting applications for the Historic Building Maintenance and Repair Capital Grant Programme 2022-23.

Details are on Cadw’s website at Historic Buildings Grant (

Community assets that are listed for their special architectural or historic interest have an important part to play in the well-being and vitality of communities across Wales.  Their viability and resilience as we face the challenges of climate change is underpinned by routine repair and maintenance. Therefore, the Historic Buildings Maintenance and Repair Capital Grant Programme 2022/23 is intended to offer financial assistance towards the maintenance and repair of historic community assets, such as village and community halls, institutes, libraries, war memorials and places of worship that are open for wider community use. A grant of 75% of grant eligible works up to a maximum of £25,000 per property is available for a range of small scale maintenance and repairs which are necessary to keep community assets in good order, such as:

  • clearing rainwater gutters, valleys and downpipes;
  • repairing or replacing sections of damaged rainwater goods, minor roof repairs, slipped slates/tiles/ridges etc;
  • leadwork/flashing repair/renewal;
  • small-scale rebuilding works eg. chimney stacks/parapets;
  • localised masonry repairs or re-pointing;
  • joinery repairs and redecoration;
  • glazing repairs;
  • plasterwork repairs;
  • boundary wall and railing repairs.

The work should be undertaken by a contractor with conservation skills / experience of historic buildings, and depending on the complexity of the works, should be specified by a conservation accredited architect or chartered surveyor.